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Children learn more when they are having fun. Consequently, our programs emphasize learning through play. Our curriculum is, so to speak, child’s play.It has been designed to nurture individual growth, promote cognitive skills and self-discipline, as well as respond to the multi-faceted needs of the child.
Our curriculum includes, but it is not limited to the following activities:

Language Mathematics
Science Computer & IT Appreciation
Music & Movement Mother Tongue
Motor Skills Development Values & Moral Education
Creative Writing Swimming
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Master of Architecture MArch RIBA You are required to have an undergraduate degree in Architecture, or similar, with a high level of achievement, which will normally be validated by the RIBA for Part 1/prescribed by the ARB for Part 1. You will usually have one year’s (post degree) professional experience. At interview, you should present your academic portfolio together with examples of work undertaken during professional training, and any relevant contextual material. If your first language is not English you will need an IELTS score of 6.5. View standard entry requirements The MArch (Part 2) in architecture is a long established and well respected course that is prescribed by the ARB and validated by the RIBA to give exemption from the second stage of professional education. The emphasis of the course is on innovative design work, and on developing a caring and critical approach to the study and practice of architecture. The course fosters diversity of choice, interpretation and approach, whether in design

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married to former NFL WR Hank Baskett. The couple got married in 2008 at the Playboy Mansion. They have a son and a daughter together. Kendra Wilkinson is probably another WAG on this list who is more famous than her former NFL husband. Kerry Washington is married to Nnamdi Asomugha Hollywood actress and all around beauty Kerry Washington is married to former NFL DB Nnamdi Asomugha. The couple got married in 2013 and had a daughter together in 2014. Asomugha played in the NFL for 11 years. In 2011, he signed a $60 million contract with the Philadelphia Eagles with $25 million guaranteed. Jennifer Walcott is married to Adam Archuleta Former Playboy Playmate of the Month Jennifer Walcott is married to retired NFL safety Adam Archuleta. Jennifer was the Playmate of the Month for August of 2001. Adam Archuleta played in the NFL for seven seasons mostly with the St. Louis Rams but also with the Washington Redskins and the Chicago Bears. Adam and Raymond Jersey Jennifer got married in 2010 and they have a son
All over the field, you see a bunch of white lines. Every line has a special meaning, The lines at each end of the field are called the end lines. The lines along each side of the field are called the sidelines. The goal lines are 10 yards inside and parallel to each end line. The area bounded by the goal lines and sidelines is known as the field of play. The field is divided in half by the 50 yard line, which is located in the middle of the field. The two areas bounded by the goal lines, end lines, and sidelines are known as the end zones. The field also contains yard lines, hash marks, and lines marking the player benches, which I describe in detail in the following sections. To make all these white lines, teams use paint or marking chalk. They’re even painting grass fields these days. The end lines and sidelines are 4 inches wide and rimmed by a solid white border that’s a minimum of 6 feet wide. All boundary lines, goal lines, and marked yard lines are continuous lines until they intersect


It’s just good practice, and you’re always better safe than sorry